Meet the Team.
One Team.
One Fight.
Together We Will.
One Team.
One Fight.
Together We Will.
Baalnoi Academy was established in 1997 with the aim of reforming and transforming defence education.

Major HS Kalsi
GTO SSB Allahabad
Baalnoi Academy.
Powering The Nation. Empowering Your Dreams.
Powering The Nation. Empowering Your Dreams.
The highest reward for all your hardwork is not what you get for it, but what you become by it.

Lt Gen Dr HL Gulati
(Medical Officer)

Major General MP Singh (Interviewing Officer)
Ex Commandant SCE Allahabad

Major General AK Shukla (Interviewing Officer)
Ex Commondant SSC Bhopal

Brig HS Ghuman
(Interviewing Officer)
Ex President 19 SSB Allahabad

Gp Captain V Kukreja
(Interviewing Officer)
Ex President 2 AFSB Varanasi

Brigadier Udai Mehta
(Interviewing Officer)
Ex President 34 SSB Allahabad

Gp Capt Anil Chauhan
(IO and CPSS Instructor)
1 AFSB Dehradun

Brigadier Randhir Singh, SM
Sr GTO SSB Banglore

Col Deepak Bhari
Sr GTO SSB Banglore and Allahabad

Col Ravi Bali
Sr GTO SSB Banglore and Allahabad

Col RK Sharma
GTO SSB Bhopal

Col Sunil Mehta
GTO SSB Allahabad

Gp Capt Kulwant Yadav
Psychologist 1 AFSB Dehradun & 3 AFSB Gandhinagar

Col Mohanjit Singh

Col DP Singh

Dr Parul Kohli
Psychologist and Communication Skills Instructor